22 September, 2005

aur onnad meren, periannath!

The 22nd of September seems to be a highly auspicious date for birthdays. Two people I work with have their birthday today (which, considering the company only has about thirty employees, is pretty strange).

Today is also the birthday of three extremely important halflings. Namely:

Mr Frodo Baggins

Mr Bilbo Baggins

Ms MaterMunkey

The above is a picture of the Munkey Clan (minus ElectroBoy) at the 21st birthday party of Ms Snazz-wise The Brave. Wow. Not to say that Snazzles is old (I wouldn't dare!) but that seems a damn long time ago now. And for those of you who are wondering... yes, it is a not-too-heavily-guarded secret that matermunkey was, in fact, a hobbit.

So, whether or not you have borne a ring of power, stolen from a dragon or overthrown a Dark Lord ... here's a big fat Happy Birthday greeting to all the September 22 babies.


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